No one who attended last night’s Canadian Printing Awards Gala
could help but notice what an admirable job the young people from Phoenix Print
Shop’s Foundations of Print Training Program did to assist event organizers.
Now in its 11th year of operation in Toronto, the
Phoenix Print Shop provides homeless and at-risk youth with printing and
graphic arts skills training, a full-time job, and long-term support. In June 2010 the shop moved from its
initial location in an 800-square-foot space into an expanded production
facility measuring close to 7,000 square feet.
Phoenix Print Shop is part of Eva’s Phoenix, an organization
that provides housing for 50 youth, aged 16 to 24 years, for up to a full year,
and enrolls up to 160 youth annually in employment and apprenticeship programs
providing both vocational and life skills.
You can share in their life-changing work by purchasing the 2012
greeting cards that Phoenix Print Shop is now offering for sale. The cards are designed through an
annual competition for at-risk youth across Canada (one impressive sample by
artist James Lee is shown above) and are available on-line at:
More information on Phoenix Print Shop at: